
Registration Day / Pre Season BBQ Thankyou

Thank you to everyone who attended the Club's player registration day / pre season BBQ on Saturday, with particular thanks going to:
* Helen and Mike Gloutnay for looking after the canteen;
* Ken Lander and co for manning the BBQ;
* Kirk Trewern for marking out of the ground for the senior interclub practice match (and decorating the club room); and
* to any other Committee or club members who leant a hand on the day.

Photos from the day will be included in next week's Tribal Talk.

Coaches - 2008 Winter Season

The coaching staff for this season will be:

U12 Boys: Ross Melville and Josh Anderson (with support from Matthew Hodder and Robbie Gloutnay).
U13 Girls: Alison McKinnon, Catherine Do and Chloe Amantea.
U14 Boys (ChadCam): Kirk Trewern and James Conheady (from Chadstone).
U18 Boys: Jamie Gathercole and Keegan Morse.
A and B Grade Women: Nick Bugeja and Tristan Ward.
Division 2: Grant Hodder.
Division 1: Jamie Gathercole, Nick Barlow and Glen Horder.
State League: Clinton Lander and Steve O'Neill.

Lacrosse Results 5-6 April

A Grade Women

B Grade Women

Under 13 Girls
Commences 13 April

State League Men
Commences 12 April

Division 1 Men
Commences 12 April

Division 2 Men
Commences 12 April

Registration Day / Pre Season BBQ Update

A reminder that the Club will be holding a player registration day / pre season BBQ this Saturday 5 April (12:00pm - 5.00pm) at Dorothy Laver Reserve West.

Preseason Training Update

As mentioned in Tribal Talk last week, the 2008 Winter season will begin on Sunday 13 April for our junior girls, and Saturday 12 April for senior men and boys.

Training has started for all players, with training times being as follows:
U12 boys: Thursday 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
U13 girls: Tuesday 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
U14 boys: Thursday 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
U18 boys: Tuesday 5:30pm - 6:30pm.
Senior women: Tuesday 6:30pm - 8:00pm.
Senior men: Tuesday & Thursday, 6:30pm - 8:30pm.

No spikes are to be worn during training (only runners).

Junior Equipment Specials

AUSLAX have a number of Warrior and Brine lacrosse starter packages available which are ideal for new players. The packs include helmets, gloves, and sticks, with special team prices available.

For prices and equipment options visit the AUSLAX store or website:
399 High Street, Ashburton

Tribal Talk Contributions:
This space could be filled with your news, photos, or other items of interest Club or lacrosse related.

Subscriptions Update

Subs for Seniors and Juniors are as follows:

- Standard: $235.00
- Students: $185.00

- U18 boys & U17 girls: $120.00
- U 16 boys & U15 girls: $100.00
- U12 & U14 boysU13 & U11 girls - $90.00
- Second junior child: $60.00

Registration and Subscription forms will be available at the Registration Day / Pre Season BBQ.

Lacrosse is here again!

As indicated in the last issue of Tribal Talk, the winter season will kick off this Sunday (6 April) for our senior women's teams. All women's and girls games for the next two rounds will be played at the Footscray Lacrosse Club

Footscray Lacrosse Club
Angliss Reserve
Francis Street, Yarraville (Melways Map, 41 G9)

Winter Season and Pre-Season Training

The 2008 Winter season is due to begin on:
- Sunday 6 April for women and girls, and
- Saturday 12 April for men and boys.

Pre-season training has already started for senior men and women, with junior training to commence shortly.

Remember, no spikes are to be worn during pre-season training (only runners).

Junior Recruiting

The future of our club is built on the foundation of its junior membership. With strong junior divisions, and the development of our juniors as they progress in the girls' and boys' teams, our senior membership numbers will remain healthy.

In 2008 club members have run introductions to lacrosse and practice sessions at local primary schools. Last week we also addressed the Glen Iris Cricket Club junior presentation evening. At the time of going to press, we are still working to build numbers in our under 12 boys' and under 13 girls' teams.


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