Season 2021 - here we come!

Dust off your boots, rinse your mouthguard and brush the cobwebs off your stick.
The 2021 lacrosse season is here!
We have all the details to get the season started.
Senior pre-season launch
The Senior Women and Senior Men will kick off the season with a social event at the Ashburton Bowls Club.
Date: Wednesday, 10th February
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Cost: $20 on the night
Location: Ashburton Bowls Club, 3 Samarinda Ave, Ashburton VIC 3147
Please contact your senior coaches – Kelly Prentice or Lee Davis for further details and to confirm your attendance.
You can register now via the Club website.
Fees will be similar to the past but have yet to be determined due to additional COVIDSafe planning required at Lacrosse Victoria and Boroondara Council.
Player support packages
Camberwell Lacrosse Club would like to minimise the participation impacts of the Covid pandemic on our families, players and community. Participation in sport and the social connections and sense of belonging that it promotes has far-reaching mental and physical health benefits.
To assist people to remain engaged with the sport and Camberwell Lacrosse Club we have financial support packages available so that money does not stand in the way.
Please contact our President, Jennie, on 0428391051 to find out more.
Preseason training
Pre-season training will commence in February at Markham Avenue Reserve.
Training dates and times are as follows:
Date: Wednesday evenings, from 24th February until the end of term 1
Time: 5.30 – 6.30 pm
Location: Markham Avenue Reserve, Markham Ave, Ashburton.
We also have access to Markham Reserve on Mondays so watch for further details regarding lacrosse activities in March.
Senior Women's
Training dates and times are as follows:
Date: Monday & Wednesday evenings, from 1st February
Time: 6.30 pm
Location: Markham Avenue Reserve, Markham Ave, Ashburton.
The Senior Women’s Coach for 2021 is Kelly Prentice.
Senior Men's
Training dates and times are as follows:
Date: Monday & Wednesday evenings, from 24th February
Time: 6.30 pm
Location: Markham Avenue Reserve, Markham Ave, Ashburton.
The Senior Men’s Coach is Lee Davis for 2021.
From the beginning of April, the training night may change for the rest of the season. Watch for further details.
Season start date
The season fixture has not been released yet, but we anticipate that the season will start on or about the weekend of 17th – 18th April.
We are seeking coaches for Junior teams for both girls and boys.
New coaches are encouraged to participate in a Level 1 Coaching course and will be mentored by experienced Senior coaches.
For Girls coaches contact:
For Boys coaches contact:
Indoor Lacrosse MILL
Owing to COVID restrictions, the Term 1 MILL Junior and Intermediate Indoor lacrosse will not operate.
Watch out for an outdoor replacement coming soon!