U15 girls continue their winning ways

The sun shone brightly at Paisley Park in honour of a special memorial round for Sue Sofarnos and her beloved Newport.
The CLXC U15Gs took to the field mid-morning - not a breath of wind.
It was an intense matchup from the first whistle, with a strong attack from Maeve Weiss, Rhyannon Bergin & Grace Lewis. Cutting and weaving the teams were evenly matched with strong goals from Rhyannon to be 2-0 up at quarter break. Speedy runs through the centre by Siena Connaughton and Matilda Paradisis kept the momentum toward Camberwell/Caufield attack.
The defence held tight with Claire Lamb (U13) and Rhian Lewis - they did not budge.
Rhian, Matilda and Sharni Blumenthal marked their players well in defence and also switched to make some exciting play up forward.
It was 2-3 down at halftime and Coach Cam gave the sharp and simple message that “if you win it out of the centre you have control”. Maeve, Rhyannon and Siena took the draw on with steely determination against a very nimble Newport lineup. Jess van der Knijff (U13) provided much-needed zip to pick up some loose turnover balls.
The defence on both sides was very strong. Both Goalies had to work at a crazy pace to ward off the flurry of shots - not all were going in but at 3/4 time it was 4-5 to Newport.
All match and particularly the last quarter, Ella Jamieson, as our very seasoned Goalie, gave fantastic direction to rally her D and deflected many Newport attempts.
We were down to the final quarter - Camberwell/ Caufield time out halfway through as we had no subs and needed to catch a breath. Then Matilda fired off two goals and the scores were level.
With about 3 min to go Rhyannon snuck a low goal past the masterful Newport Goalie.
It was a nail-biting end as the clock ran down with a number of final attempts by Newport. But the team held strong to the final whistle- 7-6 victory- a superb team effort by all.
Go Wells!!
by Carolyn Fern
Picture by @sandwichbagdad, one of our fathers. Check out his instagram and facebook pages