Practice wall gets christened
For more than 40 years our club has been pushing to have a practice wall at Dorothy Laver Reserve. Council considered it to be impractical due to the location on the Gardiner's Creek floodplain. But hey presto, it's finally happened thanks to some smart engineering and improved construction materials.
It is quite an imposing structure located at the east end of the playing area and it is already getting plenty of use. The wall probably won't get officially named by Council but for the club it will be known as the 'Horrie Smith Practice Wall'. Horrie was an accomplished player for Camberwell between 1935-55, former Coach, President, Life Member and a keen advocate of the benefit of wall ball practice. His sons Jim and Colin, and grandsons Doug, Luke and Steve, never got to work out on a wall at Camberwell during their playing days but 7-year old great grandson Harry, 5-year old great grandson Mack and 4-year old great grand-daughter Lucy had the honour of throwing the first symbolic goal shots to signal the wall as 'opened'. Grand-daughters Karen, daughter-in law Simone and great grand-daughter Arabella, 3 years, looked on.
Horrie would be smiling down with pride.