Our players interviewed on Smash FM

Smash FM (www.smashfm.com.au), one of Victoria's leading community radio stations, got in touch with our club to interview some of our on-field stars.
Top of that list was Grace Mackie and Tristan Thomas.
Grace is our reigning female best and fairest winner and marquee player for Camberwell's 2020 début season in State League.
Tristan is one of our most dangerous attack players and was leading goal scorer for the 2019 season.
They featured on-air a few months ago and Smash FM have posted their interviews online.
Grace: https://www.spreaker.com/user/smashfm/200610-sss-camberwelllacrosse-gracemacki
Tristan: https://www.spreaker.com/user/smashfm/200612-sss-camberwelllacroose-tristantho
Thanks to Smash FM for their time and be sure to check them out online: smashfm.com.au