This Girl Can session

A month ago, some keen lacrosse mums participated in an introductory #ThisGirlCan lacrosse session at Dorothy Laver Reserve East run by Tony Hollenkamp. Most had watched their kids play lacrosse but never really played themselves. Below are some great shots. Unfortunately due to the coronavirus and social distancing, any further This Girl Can events have been postponed.
This Girl Can is to celebrate women and helping them to embrace physical activity in a way that suits them.
Victorian women have said that a lot of the reason why they don't try new activities is for the fear being judged and not being fit enough. A vicious cycle.
This Girl Can is here to put a stop to this!
It's completely normal to get hot and sweaty when exercising and being active. This is especially so with lacrosse.
Since the launch of the campaign, there are some positive shifts in people’s attitudes towards "fear of judgement". Many women are now far less worried about:
- being sweaty
- not being good enough
- not being fit enough
- beginning again after some time off
- wearing tight clothing.
- not being feminine
Well done to all the ladies that participated. We look forward to re-commencing the campaign once we're through this and hope many more can have as much fun.