Get Active Victoria vouchers

The Minister for Community Sport, Ros Spence, announced that applications for the Get Active Kids Voucher program have opened this week with $21 million in vouchers up for grabs as part of the Get Active Kids Voucher Program.
The program will support the delivery of up to 100,000 vouchers to support eligible kids get involved in organised sport and recreation activities by providing up to $200 towards the cost of membership and registration fees, sports equipment or uniforms (new or second-hand).
How does it work?
The parent, legal guardian, temporary foster or kinship carer of a child can register their children for a voucher towards eligible activities or programs (e.g. for registration, uniforms and new or used equipment costs).
Eligible applicants are required to pay upfront for their chosen activity or program and then complete an application form (with copies of their invoice/s and receipt/s).
The applicant is reimbursed up to $200 towards eligible costs (subject to eligibility).
Who is eligible to apply?
To be eligible for a voucher your child/dependant must be:
- aged 4 to 18 years
- a resident in Victoria
- named on a current (at the time of your application) Australian Government Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, and
- named on a valid Australian Government Medicare card.
Application timelines
The available from 1 March 2021 until 17 April 2022.
There are specific dates (claim periods) when you can apply. You must have incurred your expenses within specific dates too.
More info can be found at the program website -
Registration Fee Receipt
If you wish to apply for a voucher and need a receipt for you club registration payment, please email to request one. If you paid online, provide the last four digits of the card you used. We will then email you a receipt.