From the secretary : TT 2010

Not only will Marde be missed as a committee member or women’s player but her dedication to pumping out Tribal Talk every week when the season begins, was inspiring. I helped when she went on holiday and she had all the templates set up for the weeks she would miss with just updates of match locations to alter. Fantastic job Marde!! You are missed already, have a great time in the UK.

So, as Club secretary I will be extremely busy with work, life the usual things and the Committee is looking for someone to edit Tribal Talk. Articles would be emailed for you to enter into the template and you would just need to check and input match times as displayed on the Sporting Pulse website. You would send the Newsletter to me for email distribution. You do need access to a computer and allow 1-1½ hrs for time, with work sent to me by Monday pm.

Bronwyn Ch'ng